Saturday, January 19, 2013

Story 8- Identity | StoryCorps | Page 2

Identity | StoryCorps | Page 2

This story is about a woman telling her granddaughter about being gay. Its a little weird at first and a bit confusing but it's about MJ falling in love with Genna's real grandmother.

What I admired most about this story was the innocence of the granddaughter. MJ spoke to Genna as if she was an adult, it didn't sound as if she dumbed anything down and I really liked how there was so much honesty.  MJ sounded comfortable and not afraid to talk to Genna. I liked the point in the story when the roles kind of switch and MJ asks  Genna whether she is embarrassed about having a gay grandma.That point in the story is where the listener feels the compassion and  love these two have for one another. I find it adorable how attached they are, yet they aren't even blood related. Genna tells MJ that she is her favorite grandma.

I think it's cute how accepting Genna is. MJ is her grandma and that's all she knows and cares about. In my opinion people can really learn from Genna, she is accepting and doesn't care about the choices MJ has made or who she chooses to love, all she cares about is the person she is. I think a lot of people can learn from this child. I think more people should be like her, less judgmental and ignorant towards peoples choices.  

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