Monday, January 28, 2013

Story 12- Identity | StoryCorps | Page 3

Identity | StoryCorps | Page 3

This story I thought was very cute.  A young girl tells her mom how she feels about her dyslexia and how she feels she has it simply because her brain is different. Every bairn is a little different is what she says and she is right! Its cute how she doesn't let it bring her down and she doesn't feel any less than people who don't have dyslexia. She sounds like a very smart girl.

An observation I made was that she switched roles and started to ask her mom questions. Her parent became the interviewee like many other stories that I heard that involved children and their parents. However, It was touching to hear this little girl speak of her dyslexia and how difficult is was in the beginning but how she over came it. Although I do not have dyslexia I can still connect to her in terms of over coming difficult things. I liked how open and accepting she was and I enjoyed it because I know that she probably isn't a judgmental person because she has seen may people judge her and she knows what that feels like.

Over all, this is a touching story. It wasn't sad or unbelievable like many of the other stories but it was cute and from a child's view and I enjoyed it very much.

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